This year's Summer Museum Night in Ljubljana will take place on 16 June from 10am til Midnight:
"Museum Summer Night, an annual summer event organised by Ljubljana's museums and galleries, will feature a programme of workshops, demonstrations, film screenings, concerts, etc. concluding with a party held at the International Graphic Arts Centre, located in the Tivoli Mansion (Grad Tivoli). Admission to all museums and galleries will be free"
Apart from looking at the museum exhibitions until late in the evening, visitors will also be allowed to engage in various activities such as fine art workshops for children, students, and adults, lectures and performances, films and video presentations, as well as guided visits, music, etc.
Here is the full list of museums and galleries in Ljubljana taking part in the event (apologies in advance for not translating the titles from Slovene, but if you're thinking of visiting any this weekend, it would be helpful to know the Slovene names anyway ;-)
Arhitekturni muzej Ljubljana, Bežigrajska galerija 1 in 2, Cankarjev dom, Društvo likovnih umetnikov Ljubljana, Galerija Ars, Galerija Fotografija, Galerija Hest, Galerija Hest 35, Galerija Kresija, Galerija Škuc, KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljanski grad, Mala galerija, Mednarodni grafični likovni center, Mestni muzej Ljubljana, Moderna galerija Ljubljana, Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije, Narodna galerija, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, Mestna galerija Ljubljana, Muzej športa, Slovenski etnografski muzej, Slovenski šolski muzej, Tehniški muzej Slovenije, Zavod za kiparstvo v Grubarjevi kiparski galeriji, Železniški muzej Slovenskih železnic.